There is probably a better way to do this..if you know of one please tell me. This way looks pretty clunky to me: %GLOBAL BP_DESC_VAR BP; /* MAKE LIST...
Here’s some macro code to put a list of values from a SAS table into a bunch of variables: %LET CURRENT_TABLE_DATE = ‘APR2009’; %GLOBAL CURRENT_TABLE_DATE; %MACRO RUN_DATES; PROC SQL;...
I’ve seen a lot of ugly ways to count the number of words in a comma separated list, most of them involve an overly complicated macro. There is an...
Here’s a little batch file line to get your installed programs from your Windows 7 registry. C:\Windows\System32\reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall temp1.txt This needs to be all on one line...
Every once in a while you need to go beyond the Excel feature that screens out duplicate records and single out records with a duplicate field, that contain data...
For the last two days I’ve been looking at options for making a Flash website readable on mobile devices paying particular attention to iOS devices. We all know how...
recently had a problem while using MySql with Hibernate in a Java app. Everyone and his dog had elaborate answers on this issue, including changing your connection pool settings,...
The Higgs Boson Explained from PHD Comics on Vimeo.
Here’s a good article on how to customize the Outlook 2007 Command Bar: Just one problem: It doesn’t work. Or doesn’t seem to. The author forgot to mention...
I have a large set of documents in a small amount of formats (html, pdf) and I have to analyze their content and try and classify them in some...