There are cases where you will need both custom datasources for your master report and a simple one stage sql query in your subreport. So how do you tell...
Unfortunately, iReport doesn’t have a field definition for Clobs and the Informix JDBC will report the Clob data field as a String when asked. There is a solution to...
f you don’t want to code a solution in SQL that will only return the first row of a multi-row data set, there is a solution in JasperReports. Select...
There are times when we need to use different customized datasources between reports and subreports. This can be done in a JasperReport by adding one line to the .jrxml...
I got a little snagged when running Tomcat 5.5 application server on an XP box. War files were not deploying correctly. This can happen when one of the files...